Wanted poster

 This is my stone fish wanted  poster and this is how I made it.  First I had to get a picture of a stone fish then I placed it on google drawings and then I pitted in a text box and I texted in Wanted and then I did shapes and got a  Rectangle shape and colored it yellow and then I did a text that said  did not approach!!!!!!!!!!!. Personality bossy.

1. Did you know that stonefish are the most venomous fish in the world.

2. stone fish can survive for up to 24 hours out of water.

3. stone fish venom sacs are found in their dorsal fin spines.

4. stone fish can live between five and ten years.


My Scary Story


For reading today in Gryffindor we had to create a story about eventhing but we had to include sounds, what you can see . This is my story   One day a girl was watching horror movies while her mum and dad are out. After a while there was a bang it was come from outside she look outside all she could see was mosquitoes then she turned around and saw … nothing but then she looked outside again then she saw a man but it did not look like a man it looked like a skinwalker then she Fainted… To be continued. 

Miss seashell by the seashore

Last week we started a story about the world’s worst teacher. First we had to do some planning on it then we created a doc. After that I  had to start the story me and my friend Lylah were going to be sisters in the story. From our planning we had to come up with a name my was Miss Seashell by the Seashore and her was Miss sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. This is my story .





Miss seashell by the seashore


Miss seashell by the seashore is a teacher at koputaroa school 

Miss seashell by the seashore looks like an old chicken,her age is 21. Her eyes are blue like the ocean, her hair color is light Blonde and her hair is long. She wears a pink top and  black and white shorts every month . Her skin color is white as snow.her mum and dad are 67 and 68. She is short as 4 feet tall.She has a black cat with long white wicker and big green eye her name is Killer pepper cat and she eats people’s dogs meaning feet.She also has another pet and it’s a snake and he’s name is killer Angel he’s color is yellow and black he eat people  except for seashell by the seashore. Miss seashell by the seashore has long toenails and long fingernails which are black and yellow.

 She hates when someone says her name wrong and she hates when people throw things like pens. If someone jumps on a desk she will make them do 100 star jumps.she will make you do 1000 star jumps if you don’t Listen.She will make you do 1000 pushups if you do the wrong things. If you fishen your work you go to the pronabol offices. You will do 12345 tuck jumps if you say any of the answers right. you will be doing 9876 star jumps and tuck jumps also push ups if you do the right thing

Child hood

 Little Seashell by the seashore has a sister called The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.

How did little Seashell by the seashore get so mean? Well there mum was in a coma She woke up as mean as can but that was when she was giving birth.Little seashell by the seashore and the sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick mum was so mean she hit seashell and then one day mum said she will take  sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick to the park and mum came back but my sister did not came back i was stuck doing home chores. Five years later when my sister came home she looked fine. I was relieved. Them and also made them do the chores. That they were starting to be mean but just a little and at daycare everyone was mean and they felt very sad then her sister moved to school and guess what everyone was so mean that  her of them were mean and I mean mean. My sister went to her friend’s house for a week.She did not tell me but I saw an invitation on her bed mum ask me where is you sister  i said shes doing chores  at the back youd, she would of be proud if she was here I feed sad that she did not tell me but i think she would’ve forget because she will tell me right? She came back after a week and i said , “Where were you sounding like i did not know she said sorry i was at my friend’s house I forgot to tell you sorry  said I forgive you when I did not because I was stuck doing chores. I saw mum talking to sister . I heard her say if you don’t leave in 30 minutes I will punch you she said.I said to me why would you say that I cried when she hit me and hit me on the neck said i was kidding and she laugh she pushed me into m y room and said don’t worry.My sister walk in to my room and said let’s run away these people are mean we both jump in out of the the window into a bush.  Miss seashell the by seashore spotted a little house with nobody in it.  Her sister found a 50 dollar note on the ground and she said we should go to the shops. She spotted a bike on the right and her sister spotted a bike on the left so they hopped on them and went to the shops to get stuff for them. They got food and clothes and also some beds for them. They biked back to the house and Miss the seashell by the seashore tripped over a rock on her bike and fell but she was ok. They keep biking to the house and realize that someone was there and they said this is someone’s house. The person came out and said do you have a home? But they did not so they said no we do not. The person said ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha has ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you guys don’t have a house, what a big loser and a stinky dog. They ran off crying into town and saw their nan and she looked after them but it was not their nan it was somebody disguised as her and we realized that it was their mum but it was too late they were already at their house. This is why  Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick’ and Miss Seashell by the seashore are so mean.  




Thank you that’s all for today If you enjoy this say in a commet







Embedding Google Slides

                                                                                        Before I embed my slide I need to change the share settings to “Anyone with the link”.

To get the embed code you need to click file, then share, publish the web.

Then click on embed, choose the size and playing settings, and copy and paste.

On my post I then chick on Add Media, Insert Embed code, paste the code, and click on insert.

Caravan Trip Story

2 weeks ago I made a story about a caravan.If we wrote str words we where to get skittles and m&m. I write 7 words so I got 5 skittles and 2 m&m. It was tricky to add str words.I have not finished it yet.How many str words do you think you will get? what feedback can you give me on my writing?  This is my story


Campervan trip 


One day me and my dad bought a Striping red campervan “i said when were we going to use it” it dad said tomorrow. We got home at 9:00pm dad said “time for bed” ok dad i said then i hopped in bed And closed my eyes and fell asleep

.In the morning Mom told me to wake up. She said Wakey wakey i said five more minutes she said no you’re going on a trip with dad. I got ready really really quickly. Finally it was time to go. I hoped in the Campervan I Waved Bye to Mom and Dad said bye too. 

Dad started driving and then the street was a bit bumpy. I was Struggling to stand.I was getting thirsty and hungry. Dad got me a drink of water with a straw and some strawberries.It was getting late. We stopped at a park to go to sleep and dad said we will be here for the night. I stripped my clothes off and put my pj on and went to sleep.In the Morning we went to a stream and it was really dirty.




Super hero

                                                                                                       Today I made a super hero on craiyon.

I found it tricky to get the right picture I wanted.

Do you know how to get the picture not blurry?

If I did this activity again I would probably put more details so I can get the right picture I wanted.



LunaPic! collage

Today I created a lunapic collage

To do this I had to go on google sides rea name it then I had to pic a image. Then I had to search up on google lunapic  after I  clicked  the button art after that i had to push autistic collage. After I click on the cats then I decided which one I liked after that I push the button update collage then I copy and paste the pictures on to my side.

It was fun to customize the pictures and then see the final results.

I found it challenging to copy and paste it because I had to do control c at the same time.